CPI has been named the nations Best and Brightest Company To Work For 2015. CPI competed against numerous national companies in the category of small business and came out the winner.
We are honored to receive this national award, and we will continue to demonstrate our commitment to our employees and our veterans by investing in their training and education, said Steve York, CEO, CPI.
The 2015 winning companies were assessed by an independent research firm, which reviewed a number of key measures relative to other nationally recognized winners. They include compensation, benefits and employee solutions; employee enrichment, engagement and retention; employee education and development; recruitment, selection and orientation; employee achievement and recognition; communication and shared vision; diversity and inclusion; work-life balance; community initiatives; strategic company performance and the best of the best small business.
The Best and Brightest Companies to Work For competition identifies and honors organizations that display a commitment to excellence in operations and employee enrichment that lead to increased productivity and financial performance. This competition scores potential winners based on regional data of company performance and a set standard across the nation. This national program celebrates those companies that are making better business, creating richer lives and building a stronger community as a whole.
Nationally recognized award recipients keep innovative human resource initiatives at the forefront of their company culture and make it a priority to consider their workforce as an essential aspect in their company success. Our Association is proud to recognize and honor these winning companies for this impressive achievement, said Jennifer Kluge, NABR president.
CPI will be featured in Corp! Magazine in January 2016. In addition, they will be honored at the 101 Best and Brightest Places To Work For 2016 awards ceremony, to be held next year in Metro Detroit.