Most of us make New Years resolutions. Maybe you want to lose some weight. Maybe youve finally decided to quite smoking come January 1, 2016. Or maybe you simply want to work on creating a better balance between your work and home life.
And then there are those of us who are looking to jump start our career(s), or pivot into a new field of employment. For those of you who have your sights set on an employment transition, your timing couldnt be better.
According to, major hiring initiatives may follow close on the heels of holidays and summer. The big months for hiring are January and February So if you want to get a jump on your chances for a new job, its best to connect with your ideal employer straight away.
So how do you access the gatekeeper of that company you’ve been longing to work for? Do you send your resume into the “virtual black hole,” which constitutes many HR departments? Your better bet would be to connect with a staffing company like CPI.
If you work with CPI, you can skip all the leg work associated with getting your resume in front of the right decision maker(s).
It’s the team at CPI who will do the work for you. Their job is to review your resume and then make a professional evaluation regarding your skill set and experience. And it’s also their job to ensure that you will get that all important first interview.
Working with a CPI recruiter takes most of the guess work out of the entire recruiting process. And the best part, there is no cost to you!
Many people never even consider working with a recruiter when they start down the path to finding a new job or career. But consider this; if you work with CPI, you have access to more than just one employer. CPI represents companies like ACiEdge, American Axle, MSXi, BAE Systems, General Dynamics, ESG Automotive, Ford Motor Company, Verizon, Oshkosh, Roush, KUKA, COMAU and Quest, just to name a few.
CPI has offices in Michigan and Arizona, and the team places candidates in all 50 states, as well as in countries around the world.
If you are represented by CPI, you have the potential to be considered for a variety of companies – thereby increasing your chances of landing that new job.
And what about taking contract work? Contract work is a great way to gain the experience you need to acquire full time employment. It’s also a great way to fill in the gaps in your resume; proving to your next employer that you can be flexible and show initiative regarding your own career.
And contract or contingent work appears to be the next big wave of the future. In fact, by 2020, more than 40% of the US workforce will be so-called contingent workers, according to a study conducted by software company Intuit in 2010. Thats more than 60 million people.
The way companies hire and retain talent is changing rapidly. You can stay on the cutting edge by increasing your skill set, being flexible and by working closely with CPI. Give us a call today! 877.427.4562