In 1982, Steve York started Contract Professionals, Inc. (CPI) with a focus on providing technical solutions to the defense industry, in particular General Dynamics, one of the largest defense companies in the United States of America. After more than 36 years, CPI is still the number one supplier to GD. Why? Because CPI understands how to recruit and place candidates within the defense vertical.
CPI has a strong track record in defense. As such, the company has also developed relationships with other defense companies including AECOM, BAE Systems, Fidelis Cybersecurity and Oshkosh just to name a few.
The Military – Our defense clients support the military. Because our clients look to hire those that can navigate military equipment and technology, it would follow that they would naturally look to hire those who are transitioning out of the military or those who are already veterans. Although defense companies look to hire veterans, they also welcome all those who are capable of doing the job, civilians and veterans alike.
Veteran Owned Putting Veterans To Work – CPI is a veteran owned global, ITAR complaint and ISO certified technical solutions company. Our mission is to be the premier source of technical professionals serving major and emerging industries. In the achievement of our mission, we provide courteous and quality service on a timely basis, for a fair price, while maintaining the highest personal and professional ethics and standards. An integral part of our mission includes finding employment for out-processing military personnel and veterans.
In 2019, CPI employed more than 1000 professionals. Over 40% of those employees were veterans. CPIs continued focus on veterans is part of a long term strategy. CPI has a 36 year history of actively recruiting on military bases and hiring hundreds of veterans annually. CPI interfaces directly with Transition Service Specialists and Managers, the Veterans Department of Workforce Commission, Contract Installation Managers, Soldier Readiness Processing Centers and many more, to access out processing veterans. We hire veterans for defense and public sector clients and deploy around the world.
In order to truly be effective while supporting defense companies, its essential to develop an intimate understanding of their business goals and objectives. CPI is proud to have developed a reputation of excellence with our defense clients and we look forward to another 36 years of superior results!