Do You Really Need A College Degree?
Long before student’s graduate from high school, they begin the arduous task of determining what they want to do with their lives. And even more
February 24, 2016

Recruiters Are People Too
CPI recruiters work hard everyday to find you a great job. They are always doing the next right thing!
January 7, 2016

New Year – New Job #DreamBig
Home Most of us make New Years resolutions. Maybe you want to lose some weight. Maybe youve finally decided to quite smoking come January 1,
December 29, 2015
CPI Wins 101 Best & Brightest Companies To Work For Award – Metro Detroit
Over the years, Contract Professionals, Inc. (CPI) has taken every employee on all-expense paid vacations, sponsored company wide off-site activities, flown employees in from Arizona
July 27, 2015